Preparing for battle
I stand fully clothed in the whole armour of God…ready to fight the battle before me once again.
I stand fully clothed in the whole armour of God…ready to fight the battle before me once again.
Nothing about my pancreas cancer has been typical so far….so why would it be now?
We had witnessed the power of prayer so many times during this journey and this time we needed prayer for peace and strength for not only Tommy and I, but for our family too.
Apprehension is building to the date of that dreaded scan.The March and June scans revealed spots on my lungs that my oncologist, Dr. Johnson said the chance of a reoccurrence of my pancreatic cancer could be 3 or 4 on a scale of 1-10. With my husband out of town our daughter Lindsay and her…
The local greeting card store was not busy as I entered. It was time to buy some cards for the late fall birthdays approaching. The owner, recognizing me as a frequent customer, smiled at me and said “hello”. I nodded and kept walking toward the birthday section. Should I buy just one card for my…