Could not have said it better…

The last time
The last time

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  1. Dear Judith,
    I picked up PVL coastal magazine at 3Rd St diner. I began reading the op-Ed piece about you. When I saw you survived pancreatic cancer I was speechless. My mother has a mass on her pancreas and is waiting fior the biopsy results. Your story has given me hope. I believe God put the magazine in my hand. Her name is Pat Henry and her email is pathvb@ cox. net. Please pray for her and thanks for the inspiration
    Regards, Jamie Elder 904-303-4884

  2. Dear Jamie, thank you fur the kind words. Yes it is s miracle I have survived PC! I am currently in the midst of chemo therapy to be sure the microbotic cells are destroyed . I complete my protocol Christmas Eve.

    I will pray that your Mom has a good prognosis . If she is a candidate for whipple surgery I would be happy to speak to her about it , it saved my life. The Internet has terrible things to say about it . But everyone who gets whipple does not have PC so it is often unrelated . Please have her call me if she would like to talk . 904-806-0032
    In His love,


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